Friday, September 17, 2010

Jobs and Things

"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
'Pooh,' he whispered.

'Yes, Piglet?'

'Nothing,' said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, 'I just wanted to be sure of you.'"


Well kids, I've landed myself a job. It's only part-time, but I think I'm really going to love it. It's with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Cincinnati, and I'll be working with kids (K-8) after school. Which means helping them with their homework, doing crafts with them, and running around outside. I start on Monday, and I'm really excited about it!

I graduated from college with a degree in journalism, but I did take a few education classes. I've always gone back and forth between journalism and teaching, so maybe this job will further help my decision. If I love working with the BGCGC, maybe I could go back to school and get my teaching certificate. Plus, now I can ease up on all the job applications and cover letters unless it's a job I really, really want.

In other news, I'm on week 4 of Couch to 5K. Today went as follows:

Run 3 minutes
Walk 1.5 minutes
Run 5 minutes
Walk 2.5 minutes

I was really dreading this one. But I was completely surprised that I was able to do it without wanting to kill myself. It was hard, but it's not like I expected it to be easy! So I'm moving right along with that.

Also, HUGE shout-out to my cousin Jason, who saved me several hundred dollars by putting new brake pads and rotors in my car, Dexter. My brakes no longer squeak, and my steering wheel doesn't feel like it's about to fall off every time I slow down. I'm incredibly lucky to have a cousin who knows cars, and who is always willing to help me out.

And I got to watch his little boy, Logan, while he was working on my car. Logan is a freaking adorable and stubborn three-year-old. He kept making me smell his socks to gauge my reaction. So I asked him what my hair smelled like, and he said "Frisch's" without having to think about it.

I have no idea. I haven't eaten at Frisch's in ages.

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