Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Boys and Girls Club

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
--Leo Buscaglia
Yesterday was my first day with the Boys and Girls Club, and the only word I can think of to describe it is "chaotic."

I worked with Miss Catherine and the second and third graders all day, and it was pretty hectic. Kids were running around like maniacs (or like kids who had just gotten out of school) and it was hard to keep them all straight. There are a few who just refused to settle down and listen, but you get that with any group of more than 10 children.

I was incredibly overwhelmed yesterday. I was basically thrown into a throng of students and told "good luck!" It's one of those jobs that I'm going to have to take one day at a time and learn as I go. I know this because today was a lot easier. I'm starting to build relationships with some of the kids, and becoming more familiar with how to handle certain things. I swear, kids have to go to the bathroom every two minutes.

It will be even better when I know their names and I don't have to shout "Hey! Red shirt!" whenever someone tries to run down the wrong hallway.

So basically, so far so good. The first week of a new job is never easy, and I don't think I'll ever use the word "easy" to describe my work with this program. But I do think I'm going to really learn to love it.

Today a little boy said to me "I like to help other people. Do you know why? Because I get an allowance."

You've gotta give him points for honesty.

1 comment:

  1. I have been wondering how this week was going for you! Kudos for working with kiddos--they can be an exhausting bunch, but I know you can handle it!
