Friday, September 10, 2010

I Wish I Could Go Back to College

"I wish I could go back to college.
Life was so simple back then.
What would I give to go back and live in a dorm with a meal plan again!"
--From "Avenue Q"

*Warning* This post was written with a small dose of pessimism!

It seems incredibly unfair that I graduated from college in one of the worst economic climates possible.

I've been unemployed for about three weeks now, and I've been to a few job interviews. I have had two people comment on the fact that I am a college graduate, and not in a good way. They were wondering why I was applying for a dead-end job.

I would love to respond with, "Oh, I completely agree with you. It is complete bullshit that a college degree doesn't get you anywhere right now. But those are the breaks."

I don't mean to complain. It's just frustrating that instead of finding a job I would really like, I'm forced to broaden my search to "ANYTHING."

Let's move on.

Running update: I'm on week 3 of my Couch to 5k adventure. This was my routine today, times two:
Run 1.5 minutes
Walk 1.5 minutes
Run 3 minutes
Walk 3 minutes

I am not going to lie. It did not feel good. It was not easy. My last 3-minute run happened to start at the bottom of a humongous hill, which is just bad timing on my part. But I did it.

Apparently in two weeks, I'll be able to run 20 minutes without stopping.

Haha. These people are crazy.


  1. There's always grad school....come join me this fall!

    And way to go on the program! Where are you running?
