"Always remember there is nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name."-Avett Brothers
Yes, I'm still here.
Married life is still rockin' it! We're getting more adventurous with our cooking, our condo is still relatively clean, and most of the gifts we got at the wedding have been put in their proper place. Some are still like, on top of the fridge and under the counters, but we're working on it. It's a small condo, really.
And BT Dubs (Dad, that is short for BTW, which stands for By The Way. I can just picture you crinkling your brow in confusion right now), our professional wedding pictures DID finally come in a couple months ago!

BAM! Wedding pictured.

While I was planning the wedding, one thing I was really worried about (one of a million things, to be honest, but one thing I had absolutely no control over) was the weather. I always knew there was no way in hell I would ever have an outdoor wedding -- the thought of rain, mud, bugs, allergies, and other disasters was way too much to stress over -- but I really wanted some fun outdoorsy autumny pictures. And the weather was absolutely perfect on October 15th. No rain, partly cloudy, and the leaves just happened to change colors at the perfect time of year. P.S. aren't my bridesmaids just gorgeous?

Here's my now-Hubby with his groomsmen. His gifts for them were Happy Feet slippers, and no, they did not wear them at the actual ceremony. I really love this picture, though. I doubt any other bride has a pic like this one!

Here are two of my cousins, Logan and Carson, as the ring bearers. Omgoodness, they are so cute. They were such a hit at the ceremony -- they kept whispering to each other and making silly faces. My back was to them, though, so I didn't actually see anything until I saw some wedding videos. They were hilarious.

The whole wedding party after we said our "I dos"!
Top, left to right: Matt, Bobby, Jason, Daniel R., Daniel M., Zach
Bottom, left to right: Kaitlyn, Anna, Jen, Me, Kyle, Amanda, Mandi, Kate
I really like this picture.

Our reception was an enormous success! People really got into the photo booth. I think I got the idea for the chalkboards on Pinterest or The Knot or something. They were only like $10 for all of them, and people got pretty creative.

We had a full dance floor pretty much the whole night! It was amazing!

Me and my hubsby. Oh, yeah, I've decided to call him Hubsby. He loves it.
No, he doesn't.
Anyway, the rest of our pictures can be viewed right
here. I would have posted all of them, but there are 1,242 of them.
In other news, Kyle just bought a plane ticket to visit his friend Bobby in Japan!
(That is an attempt at an emoticon that expresses "Oh, I am so happy for you! But you are going to fantabulous Japan to climb mountains and frolick 'round cherry blossoms whilst I mope in Cincinnati!)
I'm kidding, Hubsby. I love you. :-D
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