"I have a problem when people say something's real or not real, or normal or abnormal. The meaning of those words for me is very personal and subjective. I've always been confused and never had a clear-cut understanding of the meaning of those kinds of words."
--Tim Burton
I have never understood this fascination with Tim Burton that has been going on with people in my general age group for last fifteen years or so. When A Nightmare Before Christmas came out in 1993, my classmates went absolutely coconuts. And many people stayed in complete awe of his work throughout high school, college and beyond.
I don't think there was ever a time in my life when I jumped on the Tim Burton train. You know what train I did hop on? The train that wants Tim Burton and Johnny Depp to get married. Tim Burton seems to have this really strange fetish of making Johnny Depp look as bizarre as possible. Who knew a single man could look absolutely insane in so many ways? For example:

(Side note: This film was directed by Tim Burton).

And the thing that really kills me is that like most of the other ladies of the world, I used to have a HUGE crush on Johnny Depp. And now he just annoys me. It seems like every other year Burton/Depp/Helena Bonham Carter are either creating something entirely new and entirely weird, or putting a dark twist on something that was once fine just the way it was (Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland).
I can totally appreciate a good director/thespian partnership, but shouldn't there be some kind of limit on how many films you can do together? Especially films like this?
BTdubs, Scorcese and DiCaprio... I love you both, but you might want to slow it down a tad.