-Anne Geddes
Today is Valentine's Day. However, much more important than that, it is my dad's birthday!
I've always been really close with my dad. Actually, I was considered a "Daddy's Girl" for most of my life. When I was younger, Dad worked some weird hours and I didn't get to see him nearly as often as I wanted to. We made up for lost time whenever we got the chance. I used to tape notes on the microwave for him when he got home really late. There was always a note on my pillow the next day.
When I was in elementary school, Dad would help get me ready every day. I loved those mornings. When we had time to kill before the bus came, he'd quiz me on my spelling words or we'd read take turns reading from books I'd gotten from the library.
And no matter how exhausted my dad was on the weekends, he was never too tired to play my favorite board game or go on a "listening walk" with me.
It wasn't until I got to high school when I first began to realize that we didn't really have a lot of money growing up. We had Ramen Noodle for dinner more often than we should have, and I remember asking my parents how much we could spend whenever we went out to eat. But it didn't really matter. I had an amazing childhood because my family was always there to love and support one another.
I really do have the best dad a girl could ask for. Thanks for putting up with me all these years, Dad. I love you!

Awwww so sweet! I love your dad, too. :)