--Saint Augustine
Well, this is it. In about 17 hours I'll be boarding a plane to Europe.
Packing was much less a hassle than I thought it would be. I'm guessing this is due to my premature anxiety and my obsession with making lists. I've been putting things together for this trip for the past several weeks, so I didn't really have to hunt anything down at the last minute. I have exactly one suitcase and one backpack. I'm wearing a t-shirt, a sweater, and a hoodie on the plane tomorrow. How's that for space-saving?
The funny thing is, no matter how prepared I feel, I know that this trip is not going to go 100% smoothly. There's always the possibility of flight delays, insufficient euro, rude Frenchmen, etc. But I'm okay with it.
While I finished packing today, I realized that the plug for my hair straightener or my Ipod charger will fit with the adaptor Kyle has. And at first I was uber frustrated. But then I thought to myself, "Self...is this trip going to be any less amazing if you don't have perfect hair? Or if you can't listen to music on the plane?" And the answer is no. I'm not going to sweat the small stuff. I'm just going to enjoy myself.
So farewell, everyone! In just a couple of days, I'll be staying in this hostel in the middle of nowhere, so don't expect any updates until I return on October 16.

Have such a fantastic trip!!!!! Can't wait for your return to hear all about it WITH PICTURES, of course!