Barney: I can't go, I've got this thing.
Lily: What thing?
Barney: A penis.
--How I Met Your Mother
According to, I have 63 things to do in 36 days. That doesn't quite add up. Oh well, it'll work out.
I had my first of three bridal showers a few weeks ago, and I must say my bridesmaids, especially my sister/matron of honor, are absolute creative geniuses.
Because Kyle and I are going to Mexico for our honeymoon (holla!), the shower had a Mexican theme to it. It was all bright colors, beautiful decor, margaritas, sangrias, and chips and salsa from my favorite restaurant, Cancun. Please enjoy the following pictures from my classy, ass-kickin' bridal shower. P.S. You'll notice that the pictures are not perfectly centered as they normally are. This is due to my laziness and desire to copy/paste instead of uploading them properly.
Anyway, here's the main room. My grandma made all of the napkins and table runners. She's a sewing fiend, I'm telling you. My sister made those flower-like centerpieces. They are made of CUPCAKE LINERS! I kid you not. She got a lot of these ideas from, by the way, which is an amazing website. If you would like to check it out, let me know and I will send you an invite. Your life will change forever and you will thank me. Moving on.
Another pinterest-inspired craft, my sister made these by blowing up balloons, wrapping yarn dipped in sugar water (I think?) around them, and popping the balloons. How cool are they?!
I love these things. My girls do know me well -- they had all my favorite drinks.
Check out that food table!! So many delish things, I can't even begin to tell you. It was all very well received.
This is an amazing game my sister put together. She had taped interviews with Kyle and me separately, and without us knowing what it was for. She then put together a quiz for everyone...each question was a quote from one of our interviews, and they had to guess who said it. When everyone had filled out their questionnaires, we watched the video she had put together of our answers!! It was so creative, and a huge hit. If you would like to see the video, you can find it here.
My bridesmaids and me! From left to right: Anna, Jen, me, Kaitlyn, Mandi. So sweet of all of them to put together such an incredible shower. Special shout-outs to my two other bridesmaids, Amanda in Texas and Kate in Washington. I wish they could have been there!
So as you can see, I'm an incredibly lucky girl. I had been really nervous about attending my own bridal shower (I'm not used to having so much attention on me) but I loved every minute of it.
One down...two to go!